Nice to Meet You!

My name is Mahali (Muh-Hay-Lee) Hernandez. I’m a visual designer with a strong interest in branding, design research, and UX/UI. I enjoy creating experiences that positively impact users and the global community. Accessibility and inclusivity being essential components to effective human-centered design strategies is one of my biggest beliefs.

Prior to studying Communication Design at Texas State, I spent my senior year of high school immersed in engineering classes. After taking a career test for a class assignment and getting blank results, I felt unsure about what major I wanted to pursue. That was until I decided to take graphic design as an elective. I’m forever grateful to my graphic design teacher who recognized my potential and pointed me in the right direction. (Thank you Ms. Flores!) 

While design is a huge part of my life, I also dedicate my time to advocating for positive changes for the chronically ill and disabled community. I’m an active volunteer for the Endometriosis Foundation of America, an organization that means a whole lot to me. The remainder of my time is spent curled up with a good book or throwing weights around in the gym.

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